ARTEBENE is a wholesaler that offers products for gift wrapping, writing, giving and lifestyle products. All of these three categories are covered by lovingly designed products - beautiful wrapping papers, gift bags, colour-coordinated ribbons and gift boxes. We have a wide choice of sophisticated greeting cards for personal messages. Napkins, table and room decorations, small presents for friends as well as high quality gifts round off the assortment.

What is the difference between artebene.com and artebene.de?

At artebene.com you can find our retailer shop, which offers our business customers from the retail trade the opportunity to purchase our beautiful product worlds from the areas of packaging, writing, gifts and lifestyle at special conditions. At artebene.de you can reach the end customer shop, where private customers can purchase our products and have them delivered directly to their homes.


What do I do when I have forgotten my password?

Forgot your password? No problem. You can use the "Forgot password " function in the log-in section for receiving an email with a link to restore your password. Just fill in your email address or customer number in the designated box.

How can I change my business and contact details?

You can change your business and contact details in your customer centre under account details. For getting there, just choose "My account" from the menu..


How can I place an order as a guest?

Unfortunately, ordering as a guest in our B2B shop is not possible. If you wish to place an order, please complete the registration form first. Upon receipt, we will revert to you as soon as possible, so you will receive your account details for accessing our webshop.

How can I place an order?

Placing an order with us is very easy. Just log on to our webshop using your customer number and password. Use the navigation bar for direct access to the different themes and product categories. Choose your favourite items and put them in the cart. After clicking "To checkout" you can finalize your order. Your default invoice and delivery address can be changed here under "Change address" button. With a click on "Continue" you can double check your order before eventually sending it... and you're done! Upon receipt of your order we will get in touch with you.


Which means of payment can I use?

You have the option to pay your order conveniently by invoice.

When do I have to pay my order?

The total amount of your orders is invoiced by ARTEBENE.

Are my payments and other transactions safe?

ARTEBENE attaches great importance to your data privacy. When opening a customer account at artebene.com, you will be asked to submit personal details. These details are necessary for ARTEBENE to process contracts closed at artebene.com. ARTEBENE processes all personal data confidentially and in accordance with all relevant legal regulations, the Federal Data Protection Act in particular. For securing your data used for online payment procedures, ARTEBENE protects them using the latest encryption technologies as well as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). SSL is an acknowledged standard protocol which grants secure data exchange. All of the information that you submit so we can process your orders is encrypted when being transferred to ARTEBENE.


How does ARTEBENE ship my order?

We promise you a convenient and straight forward purchase experience. Our logistics provider DPD ships your order conveniently to your store. The transport is done CO2-neutral so it does not strain our environment.

How much does the shipping cost?

Shipping charges depend on the address that you want us to send your shipment to. For calculating the exact amount, please use the "Shipping" page.

How long does it take for the shipment to arrive at my shop?

We always ship orders as soon as possible. Usually this is done the next workday, but within a maximum of 3 workdays. During the ordering process you can also request a certain delivery date so your order does not arrive earlier than required.


If I sell products in France, what disposal notice does the product need?

Products sold and used in France require a Triman logo to indicate the correct disposal of the products. We have different Triman recycling symbols for our different product groups. You can find out which products carry which symbol and how they should be disposed of here.

How can I notify you of issues with your website?

Should you experience problems with the use of our website, please refer to info@artebene.com. We will solve the issue as soon as possible.


You did not find your questions in our list of FAQ's?

Please contact our customer service by email at info@artebene.com or by phone Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 4pm under +49 2591 79239-0. You are also welcome to send us a message via the chat button at the bottom right of the page. We will be happy to help you.

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