ARTEBENE honoured: As the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024!

Our brand claim is: Delight your day. That's what we as ARTEBENE want to do – to brighten up your everyday life, enrich it and contribute to small moments of happiness.

We have also been committed for years to social justice along our supply chains. We are particularly passionate about strengthening the role of girls and women in society. We strive to use resources responsibly, protect the environment and improve our products continuously.

Are we perfect? No. But we have set out on a journey. What counts is the willingness to do better. We see it as confirmation of our commitment that we came out on top in the final assessment for the German Sustainability Award - against several competitors and with many other great brands.

ARTEBENE is therefore one of the 100 pioneers of transformation in the German economy.

The German Sustainability Award is presented jointly with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, the DIHK and the WWF to the pioneers in 100 sectors. Further information can be found at .


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